Policy research and Consultancy
Policy research and Consultancy
In addition to my research work in science throughout my career, I have been actively involved in the work of various organizations that focus on democratizing society in Serbia and the region. The policy studies I have worked on are in the areas of gender equality, democratic governance, urbanism, and ecology. Currently, my policy work is organized around the City & Society initiative I am pursuing in Vienna.
My previous policy studies included:
- “30 years of Parliamentarism in Serbia: A Gender perspective”, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- “Life stories of refugees as a tool for building the social cohesion in local community: gender perspective” funded by UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
- “Kapaciteti političkih stranaka u Vojvodini za ostvarivanje rodne ravnopravnosti”, Provincial gender Institute, Serbia
- “Socijalni askepti javnih zelenih prostora (Social aspects of green public spaces)”, Provintial Institute for Urbanism, Serbia
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